About Me

My photo
New York, NY, United States
Smart, Edgy and Personalable


The Poets' Pot shows coming soon...

To All of Our Supporters:

First & foremost TPP personally would like to thank you all for the support & motivation to keep the shows going. TPP regrets that we had to postpone the last show. We will be back soon so please stay in tuned & keep your eyes on facebook.com/ThePoetsPot & twitter.com/ThePoetsPot


The Poets' Pot Creator

Back to the Hot Season... Summer 2011

Here we are again, the start of everything from the joys to the rain even in a moment of sunny days. The question? What's love got to do with it? The questions the answers, who can we count on? Hmmmm, Summer's steaming Hot....

Take the journey with her & stay tuned

A quick introduction on what I attend to call "Summer, 2011"...

Written By: Selena "Sjo" Johnson